
Sad for PSK

Many of you know about the recent legislation to cut the number of Unit Committees in every electoral area. What’s more, whereas previously representatives were elected, they are now nominated by government. At many villages this change has wrought havoc. Former, possibly hard-working and responsible Unit Committee members are furious at having been displaced and many people refuse point blank to work with the new committees, who are in any case too small to manage all the work involved.

Examples are the three neighbouring villages of Patase, Sesease and Kokoben. Sometime ago, we gave them a palm oil press, but they were unable to organise themselves enough to use it properly. They’ve had many ‘last chances’ to do this, but never succeeded, so now we’ve removed the press and given it to Adutwam village, largely because Adutwam already have a shed in which to house it.

The photos show the press being removed from PSK, and the shed where it’s now housed.  It’s very sad for PSK, and we’re specially sorry because Kokoben is Master’s home village. Let’s hope at least it serves as an example to any other village. 





Nyinampong’s Turn for Household Latrines

Nicholas reckons that Nyinampong is one of the poorest villages he’s ever seen, so there was great rejoicing last week when he was able to tell them that a sponsor had been found for their household latrines.  The meeting was well attended, although many people were preparing for marketday the following morning.  It was attended by opinion leaders including the queen mother

and the village elders.



Many people spoke of their appreciation of the sponsor’s generosity, and they promised to cooperate throughout the project, for which they will carry out all unskilled manual labour, such as digging 14 ft pits. 

Three Little Maids from School

Comfort, Yah and Janet are very happy because their village, Adutwam, recently joined in our microcredit project. They’ve been through the training, worked out business plans, and now they say they’re earning good money with their loans.

Better still Swiss donors, BasAid, have just made Adutwam a grant to buy a gari mill, producing long-life cassava. Adutwam will pay back on microcredit terms, and then the money will be recycled to another village.Image

Paul Becomes Chief of Awanya Village

Paul Becomes Chief of Awanya Village

Paul Becomes Chief of Awanya Village

The photo shows Paul becoming Chief of Awanya Village. Awanya invited him to take this on in thanks for his effort in collecting (via Crowdfunder) enough money to give every household its own latrine.

Paul was born in Ghana, and given the Ghanaian name of Kwasi Mensah at birth. In Awanya, he took the vacant stool formerly held by Kwadwo Mensah – so it was clear to the village that he was an entirely suitable person and probably a reincarnation of the original stoolholder. They put on a wonderful durbar (a meeting with dancing) in his honour.
More photos on Facebook.

More About SpecSavers

Misery – can’t transfer my photos from my iPad to my computer without skilled teenage help. I’m hoping to get some tomorrow (ie teenage help) but meanwhile here’s a SpecSavers video, made for Ashanti Development

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