
Training College Nearly Good To Go


The Training College at Gyetiase is nearly up and running, and the photos show the sewing machine tables being made. The sewing machines themselves have been bought from John Lewis, all different colours – pink, peppermint, red, purple. We hope the students will like them.

Bresua Gets Good News


The pictures are of Bresua Village being given the news that Richard (who swam 70 lengths on his 70th birthday to raise money for Ashanti Development) had decided to sponsor them.

Get ready for some latrine-digging pictures when the work starts.

Update: Mpantuase Kindergarten


Mpantuase kindergarten is coming along in leaps and bounds, with the foundations now all but finished. Sponsors Ab Roy and his SpecSavers team are due to visit in October (Ebola permitting) and maybe the village is aiming to get it finished by the time he arrives.


Dawn and Paul, who sponsor two villages, have arranged training for local people in bee-keeping, and now there are four beehives at Gyetiase.  One of the four has been colonised and we’re hoping that bees will find the other three soon.


More info on beekeeping

Mpantuase’s Kindergarten

Mpantuase kindergarten work Mpantuase kindergarten work Mpantuase kindergarten work Mpantuase kindergarten work

Work on Mpantuase Village’s new kindergarten, financed by SpecSavers in the Midlands, is progressing at top speed to reduce the impact of high inflation on building materials. Prices are rising on a daily basis. So far, communal labour has been used to uproot tree stumps and level the ground with a bulldozer, and all building blocks have been moulded. The village is very enthusiastic, and are putting enormous effort into the work.

Nyinampong’s Turn At Last

Nyinampong is a large, extremely poor village with very high rates of birth and infant mortality. We’ve been looking for a long time for a sponsor for them – they’ve also been lobbying us hard in case we forgot – but the village is too big for most people to want to take on.

Luckily, a sponsor was recently found for them and latrines are going up everywhere at the rate of knots. We’ve divided the village into two for the purposes of sanitation, and almost all the first half have now been constructed and roofed their latrines, so the masons can finish them off under cover in spite of the heavy rains they’ve been having in Ashanti.

Here’s a picture of one of them. You may think it’s not the most inspiring picture you’ve seen, but the latrine means an awful lot to someone.


Q Fever

As volunteer who spent about a month in Gyetiase last Autumn has written us the following warning:
“A couple of weeks after my return to the USA I started to feel very poorly.  Will not bore you with details.  I live in a small village in the USA where ‘African maladies’ are quite unknown so routine blood tests were not helpful.
“In January I came to Jerusalem, where ‘African maladies’ are common.  Turns out I had Q FEver.  I was treated with appropriate antibiotics and now feel quite fine. An Israeli Ministry of Health official called me when the lab results came in to ask where I got it and gave me some good information.
“Perhaps the fact that I was charmed watching a mother goat give birth has a lot to do with the fact that I contracted the disease.
Briefly, it is seems to come from bacteria emitted by livestock, especially, though not solely, from sheep and goats.  It is an airborne disease.  I mentioned the birth as it seems that gazillions of these bacteria are emitted at that time, though they are also floating around generally. It seems that it is not communicable by human contact. Interestingly, if you look up Q fever Ashanti you will find a research project done in several villages in the Ashanti district.

If it is treated quickly it should go away quickly. Apparently it can be dangerous to people with certain conditions.

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