
Crops for Bimma Village

These photos were taken at farms near Bimma Village, one of the first villages where we ran our farm support scheme. One photo shows a nursery for young plants, and the other shows a groundnut crop. We’ve got two farm support officers working full-time at teaching farming to over forty villages now and Nicholas has been out inspecting some of them. He says all are doing very well and he thinks there’s going to be a great harvest. This is great news. It means an end to hunger in those villages.

Come to our Holiday Gala Fundraiser in Edinburgh

Margaret, our newest volunteer, is organising a Holiday Gala to raise funds for us in Edinburgh. It will consist of a Ghanaian dinner and dance, plus an auction, at the Life Church in Davie Street. Tickets are £15 for adults and £10 for children. For more information, contact +44 7940 283075. We’d love to see you there!

New Health Centre in Dome

Last week, our Ghana Director Nicholas Aboagye visited the village of Dome and informed the Chief and community that we intended to build a health centre there. The centre would cater for local communities plus the great numbers of migrants who are coming south to avoid the effects of climate change, or more recently war. The first picture shows the village Chief (in red and black), with Nicholas standing on his left.
The inhabitants of Dome were delighted to hear about the project. The Chief in particular promised his full support and gave us six acres on which to build. Finally, are photos of the proposed site of the building. It will be an hard task to clear the land but very worthwhile.

Solar Power at Asubuaso Clinic

Last week we installed solar power at Nkujua clinic. This week we’ve moved on and are doing the same at Asubuaso clinic. Both clinics are now fully powered by solar, and it should make a world of difference to the treatment of patients who arrive after dark, as well as to the nurses’ ability to store vaccines and some medicines.
Here’s a photo of the installers, looking pleased with their work. Ashanti Development’s Ghana Director, Nicholas Aboagye, is on the far right.

Solar Power at Nkujua Clinic

We’ve just finished installing solar power at Nkujua clinic. Previously, the nurses had great difficulty helping patients – including women in labour – who arrived in the middle of the night. They are all very happy with the solar power, particularly since they can now store vaccines for immunisation and will no longer have to refer mothers and babies to Nsuta clinic for vaccination.

Baby Warmers Save Lives

Nsuta Clinic deals with hundreds of maternity cases. It made its own version of a radiant baby warmer in an effort to keep the weakest alive. Now, thanks to a kind donor, Ashanti Development has been able to give them a proper warmer. We went to the clinic to inspect it last week, and it had a baby in it. The nurses tell us it has saved four lives in the space of the few days since it’s been in place.

Tonometer Donation

Over the years, two Leicester-based Specsavers clinics have managed to provide our eye clinic in Gyetiase with just about all the equipment it needs, the one exception being a tonometer, which checks the pressure inside the eye. A generous donor has just enabled us to fill this gap, and the pictures show the tonometer being delivered and set up.

Cataract Operation Results

Continuing on from the previous post on our cataract treatment, the results of last week’s operations are clearer. Many of the patients were unable to walk unaided before the operation, but afterwards all of them can. They are overwhelmed with the return of their sight. The following two videos show Afua Badu arriving at the clinic and walking without help after the operation.

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