Dave, our teacher-trainer, has been working via Skype and Whatsapp over the last few weeks, delivering training to all eight District circuit supervisors plus two teachers from the schools for which each has responsibility. The training focused on specific techniques which teachers are expected to use when planning their lessons. It aimed to further increase pupil talk and engagement.
Dave’s working closely with Samuel, one of the circuit supervisors whom he feels is amazing in his understanding of what’s required and how to deliver it. Because of Samuel, Dave feels able to spend a lot more time at home in UK.
More training in each circuit and in individual schools will follow, with teachers trained to share techniques in their own school and to assist colleagues in lesson planning. The circuit supervisors will monitor this work and will be given small amount of money for transportation and refreshment costs.
Samuel has sent samples of lesson plans produced and Dave reckons this method of teacher-training is great value for money.